Privacy and Cookie Policy

This privacy policy has been written for this web site solely. When using our website, please read this privacy very carefully. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, please do not use the services of this site.

By accessing and using this site you hereby agree to the terms of this privacy policy.

Non-personal information collected automatically

ProudPet, as part of TekBox Ltd, is committed to the protection of the privacy of visitors to its web site. Like other reputable companies we may provide general statistics such as customers buying behaviour including sales, traffic patterns, and related site information to reputable third-parties. Be aware however that these statistics will include no personal details or information.


Personal information

In order to respond to your queries, fulfil your requests – such as order delivery or organise returns – it will be necessary to ask for personal information including your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. In line with industry practice we may further use this information to reply to your requests, or to contact you through mail, e-mail or phone to advise you of new products, services or promotions we may offer in the future.


In any circumstances where you request a service or submit content or feedback to this web site, we may need to contact you for additional information required to process or fulfil your order and/or request. However, unless required by appropriate legislation, we will not transmit this information to a third party without your express permission. The only exception to this would be where we need those details to process your order, fulfil your requests or manage interactive customer programmes.


By complying with this privacy policy you also hereby grant to ProudPet, as part of TekBox Ltd, the right to exchange any information provided by you between ProudPet affiliates for the purposes mentioned above.


In addition to the standard personal information which you provide when placing an order, this site may use technology that lets us collect certain technical information like your Internet protocol address, your computer’s operating system, your browser details, traffic patterns and the address of any referring web sites. This will be in line with all industry standard protocols.



ProudPet, as part of TekBox Ltd, has undertaken, within reasonable practice, appropriate measures to prevent and reduce the risks of unauthorised and improper use of your personal information. For example, we use industry standard encryption technology when collecting or transferring sensitive data such as credit card information. Please note it is not our policy to retain or store any card data.


Accuracy of data collected

ProudPet, as part of TekBox Ltd, will undertake proactively, or at your initiation, to refresh, edit or remove any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal information retained by ProudPet in connection with the operation of this web site.


Visitor identification

Occasionally information may be placed on your computer to allow us to identify you. This information, which is industry standard, is commonly referred to as “cookies” and is used responsibly to allow us to improve on-going performance.


We will only use cookies to view information on your hard drive which was placed there by a cookie from this site. The use of cookies is an industry standard protocol and many web sites use them. You can change the settings on your browser if you would like to either modify or discontinue the use of cookies.



No information may be submitted to ProudPet, as part of TekBox Ltd, by persons under the age of 18 without the full consent of a parent or legal guardian. Persons under the age of 18 may not make purchases through this site without such consent, unless permitted by applicable UK and European legislation.



We may update this privacy policy, or edit, modify or remove access to this site, or the content of these pages at any time with or without notice.